Another 50 people were infected with COVID-19 in BANARHAT and Adjoining areas.


[बानारहाट और उसके आसपास के क्षेत्रों में कोरोना से 50 लोग संक्रमित पाए गए]

A total of 218 people were tested at the Banarhat tea garden on Thursday. The report of 31 people came positive. Besides, saliva was tested on 25 people from Redbank tea garden and about 200 people from Surendranagar tea garden. After receiving the report, it was learned that 1 person was infected in Redbank tea garden and 4 people in Surendranagar tea garden. All of them will be kept in home isolation.

Several saliva samples were also collected from the Palashbari tea garden in Banarhat. According to garden sources, a total of 14 infected people have been found in Palashbari tea garden. Palashbari Tea Garden Authority has given them some food and some money in advance. Residents of the tea belt are naturally anxious to find the infected from one tea garden after another.

